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Links to other sites

A set of links to other sites with further information and resources on Oscar Romero. Sites in Spanish can be found here.

  • Super Martyrio - Perhaps the best blog about Archbishop Romero is ‘Super Martyrio’ with well-informed news and well-researched commentary – in English and Spanish and occasionally Italian
  • Monseñor Romero - The Official website for the Beatification of Archbishop Romero. 
  • Tim's El Salvador Blog - Very helpful blog run by a Lutheran Christian in USA with information about El Salvador and with opportunity to share in discussion.
  • Archbishop Oscar Romero - "The Church: called to repentance; called to prophesy". U.S. Catholic's remembrance of Oscar Romero with liturgy and homiletic links.
  • BBC Learning Zone Video - The story of Archbishop Oscar Romero who was assassinated in 1980 while celebrating Mass. It includes some original footage from 1977-80. The footage comments on the reasons why Romero became increasingly outspoken about injustice, the reaction of ordinary people as well as the authorities to what he had to say, and the events surrounding his assassination.
  • CAFOD - CAFOD financed projects for Archbishop Romero and has supported the Trust since its foundation. They have many resources on Oscar Romero, including prayers, reflections and activities to explore his life and legacy with children and young people.
  • Centro Monseñor Romero - The website of the Monseñor Romero Centre at the UCA (University of Central America) in San Salvador. Via this site it is possible to take a virtual tour (Paseo Virtual) of various areas including the Jardin de Rosas where the Jesuit community was martyred in 1989.
  • Oscar Romero of El Salvador: informal adult education in a context of violence - John Dickson explores Oscar Romero’s place and impact as a socially involved educator. He examines key aspects of the social and historical background; the means and extent of Oscar Romero's teaching ministry; and Romero’s confrontation with the dilemma facing all authentically revolutionary adult educators: violence.
  • Página de Monseñor Romero - This page has a large number of very valuable links to a whole range of material not least of which is to all of Archbishop Romero's homilies, including a link to the homilies in French. 
  • Remembering the Assassination of Archbishop Romero - Year 2000 site from Creighton University in the United States.
  • SCIAF - The Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund has provided finance for the production martyrdom exhibition materials in El Salvador and assist the Trust with the Archbishop Romero Lecture and Romero Week each year.
  • The El Salvador Martyrs - Remembering and Celebrating - Renewing a Commitment to Justice The El Salvador assassination of Six Jesuits, their housekeeper and her daughter, continues to remind us of our mission and offers us inspiration and vision.

Some organisations who support the work of the Romero Trust

  • Stonyhurst College - Lancashire - With the support of the College the Stonyhurst curator, Jan Graffius, has made visits to El Salvador to advise and give practical help to the work of preserving the relics of Archbishop Romero, including for his beatification, and the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador.
  • The Jesuits in Britain - The British Province of the Society of Jesus provided the initial funding of the Trust and continue to provide support for its work.
  • British Province of Carmelites - The Carmerlite Friars helped fund restoration and conservation work at the Hospitalito where Romero lived and died.
  • Diocese of East Anglia - The Diocese of East Anglia has given generous financial support to the work of the Trust and regularly organises liturgical and educational events.
  • Independent Catholic News - ICN gives systematic coverage to the work of the Trust and the Romero celebrations organised each year.
  • National Justice and Peace Network - From as far back as 1980 they and their diocesan groups and members have supported the cause of Archbishop Romero and organised services to mark the anniversary of his martyrdom.